The “We are Stepping Stone” project was designed to showcase the diversity and breadth of our community.
We are Stepping Stone aims to help end the stigma surrounding recovery from alcohol and substance abuse, as well as remind people struggling with addiction, and their loved ones, that help is available and no one has to deal with this issue alone. The portraits, with beautiful San Diego landmarks and life happening in the background, illustrate the joy and pride of so many members of our Stepping Stone family.
What makes our community so one of a kind? Anyone who has ever participated in Stepping Stone’s programming can tell you that this organization has an innate magic, reflective of the beautiful relationships and memories that are built here. Still, Stepping Stone transcends what happens in groups and meetings. What happens here ripples out and changes the lives of partners, spouses, parents, siblings, friends — the list is virtually inexhaustible.
The images in this gallery are of volunteers, staff, residents, outpatient clients, donors, supporters, family members, friends, neighbors, even city officials. Virtually everyone in the San Diego recovery community (and beyond) is a part of the Stepping Stone story. Who is Stepping Stone? I am Stepping Stone. You are Stepping Stone.
We are Stepping Stone.
“We all have stories. As a therapist, my work is about listening and accepting fully without judgment. It is from this experience that we grow”